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OxyContin / Oxycodone

OxyContin is the brand name of a time-release formula of the analgesic chemical oxycodone. OxyContin, which is produced by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma, is prescribed as a pain medication. Instances of abuse of this drug have increased in recent years.

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What kind of medicine is OxyContin?

OxyContin is the brand name of a time-release formula of the analgesic chemical oxycodone. OxyContin, which is produced by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma, is prescribed as a pain medication. Instances of abuse of this drug have increased in recent years.

Street terms for OxyContin: Hillbilly heroin, Oxy, Oxycotton

What does OxyContin look like?

OxyContin comes in tablet form.

What are the methods of usage?

  • Chewing the tablets
  • Snorting crushed tablets
  • Dissolving tablets in water and injecting
    These methods cause a faster, highly dangerous release of medication.

How does OxyContin get to the United States?

  • Because it is a legal drug, OxyContin is supplied across the country for legitimate medical purposes.
  • Word of mouth has allowed users to devise illicit usage techniques.
  • Pharmacy robberies, health care fraud, and international trafficking constitute illicit distribution ability.

How much does OxyContin cost?

When legally sold, a 10-mg tablet of OxyContin will cost $1.25 and an 80-mg tablet will cost $6. When illegally sold, a 10-mg tablet of OxyContin can cost between $5.00 and $10.00. An 80-mg tablet can cost between $65.00 and $80.50.

What are some consequences of illicit OxyContin use?

Long-term usage can lead to physical dependence.  A large dosage can cause severe respiratory depression that can lead to death. Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goose bumps, and involuntary leg movements.

Source: United States Drug Enforcement Administration