CT Clearinghouse


Click on a Title to View the Webinar Recording:

 Unintentional Overdose in Connecticut: Data Trends and Meeting People Where They Are
This presentation provided information about data trends on unintentional overdose in Connecticut as well as the perspective of an individual in recovery working as a recovery coach. Click here to download the slides.

Understanding Suicide Behavior: A Discussion About Suicide Planning, Lethal Means and Inevitability
This discussion was spearheaded by the Lethal Means subcommittee of the CT Suicide Advisory Board. Click here for the presentation from Dr. Anestis. Click here for the presentation from Dr. Miller. Recorded on July 16, 2024.

Additional resources:

  • The New York Times article, Suicide Science, by Ellen Barry about how lethal means restriction can dramatically lower suicide.
  • Pierce’s Pledge, a nationwide map of federal firearms dealers that offer offsite storage of firearms to protect gun owners in crisis (note, regulations vary from state to state about process for legally storing firearms with others. In CT, local law enforcement are also an option for offsite storage. Contact the Dept of Emergency Services and Public Protection Special Licensing & Firearms Unit for questions: (860) 685-8290 DESPP.SLFU@ct.gov
  • Walk the Talk America, describes itself as a “Pro-2A non-profit bridging the gap between mental health and responsible firearm ownership” and believes that by improving the quality and availability of mental health resources to gun owners it can reduce suicide by firearm.
  • Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) “was developed in New Hampshire to equip mental health providers to collaboratively and effectively counsel their patients and families on why and how to reduce access to lethal means - especially firearms -  when someone is at risk for suicide.”
  • This brochure published by the CT Against Gun Violence Education Fund explains how CT’s Risk Protection Order allows firearms to be removed by court order from someone at risk of imminent harm to themselves or others (this version includes additional information for healthcare providers).

You Only Get One Life: Youth Vaping Prevention
Megan Albanese, Youth Prevention Coordinator for the town of Southington and the STEPS Coalition, provided a presentation about youth vaping, and vaping prevention in schools. Click here to download the slides. Click here for the  STEPS Vape Education Google Drive documents. Click here to download the 2024 Law Enforcement Guide to Tobacco, E-cigarette, Alcohol, and Cannabis Offenses. Recorded on April 11, 2024. 

Gambling: Peer Recovery Supports
Valerie Tebbetts from CT Council on Problem Gambling and Stephen Matos, from MCCA described the role of peer support in gambling recovery and treatment; talked about various peer support services and helpful financial management/debt repayment tools. Click here to download the slides. Recorded on March 21, 2024.

Understanding Suicide to Help Individuals and Their Supports Connect to the Care They Need
Andrea Duarte and Kathleen Chapman provided information on: data on suicide rates and attempts; research on factors impacting suicide risk; the importance of clear communication about risk; the role of risk & protective factors and warning signs; evidence-based screening, assessments, and interventions; how connection and communication can promote resiliency and support prevention; how to talk to someone about suicide and offer support; suicide prevention in Connecticut, and available resources. Click here to download the slides. Connecticut Clearinghouse offers numerous resources on suicide prevention. Click here to view a resource list. If you are interested in borrowing books or ordering pamphlets, call 860-793-9791 or contact us online.

Connecticut's Drug Dynamics: Analyzing Current Trends, Emerging Threats, and the Complexities of Poly-Substances
Anna Gasinski and Robert Lawlor presented on Identifying emerging drug threats, comparing them to national patterns, and assess their implications for the future of drug use and overdoses in the state. You can find a recording of the presentation HERE and a copy of the slides HERE

Double Trouble: Navigating the Complexities of Cannabis and Nicotine Co-Use in Teens
Dr. Deepa Camenga provided an overview on current trends in Connecticut and nationally around the co-use of nicotine and cannabis. She touched upon individual, family, community, and policy-level factors that contribute to co-use of nicotine and cannabis among teens. She discussed the gaps in existing prevention initiatives around nicotine and cannabis co-use and reviewed potential strategies to improve prevention programming in this area.

FODMAPs, Food Intolerances, and their Role in Gut and Mental Health
Jessica Masterson, RDN CDN CDCES, provided an overview of food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities, and explained the underlying mechanisms involved in food intolerances and sensitivities. She explored the connection between food intolerances and mental health, and provided strategies to heal the gut. Click here to download the presentation slides.

Supporting Families Impacted by Substance Use: The Evolution of CAPTA
Mary Fitzgerald, Family Care Plan Coordinator for SEPI-CT (Substance Exposed Pregnancy Initiative of CT) presented on the impact of family on the lives and treatment of loved ones with substance use disorder. She demonstrated basic practices to integrate family into the care of people with substance use disorder. She also shared family recovery supports and other recovery support resources throughout Connecticut. A recording of the presentation can be found HERE. A copy of the presentation can be found HERE. A copy of the handouts can be found HERE.

Firearm Suicide Prevention
Jonathan Perloe, Director of Communications for CT Against Gun Violence, presented information on understanding the outsized impact that firearms have on suicide. He discussed strategies to reduce firearm suicide, in particular Extreme Risk Protection Orders. A copy of the presentation can be found here

Role of the Family and Social Support in Addiction Treatment and Recovery 
Alicia Ventura from Boston Medical Center and Pamela Mulready from Substance Exposed Pregnancy Initiative of CT and Youth Recovery CT presented information on the impact of family on the lives and treatment of loved ones with substance use disorder. Click Here for Alicia's Presentation. Click Here for Pamela's presentation. 

Reframing the Conversation: Talking to Teens about Addiction
Dr. Deepa Camenga from Yale Schools of Medicine and Public Health Presented information on the current evidence around the impact of substances on the neurobiology of the adolescent brain and development of addiction. Click Here for the presentation.

Expanding Prevention's Response to Stimulant Misuse and Polysubstance Use
Josh Esrick and Emily Patton from Carnevale Associates, LLC, presented information on trends in stimulant and polysubstance use, barriers facing prevention practitioners, and applicable evidence-based practices. Click here for the PowerPoint handouts. Recorded on May 11, 2023.

The Latest Information on Cannabis for the Prevention Professional
Dr. Jason Kilmer, Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington (UW) School of Medicine and Adjunct Associate Professor in Psychology at UW, was our guest presenter. He shared research & data on cannabis potency, health risks, and social norms, while noting the important role parents and prevention professionals play in sharing evidence-based information about cannabis. Click here for the PowerPoint handouts. Recorded on April 13, 2023.

Gambling: A Lead Risk Factor for Suicide
Jeremy Wampler and Haley Brown, from DMHAS Problem Gambling Services provided an hour-long presentation on the link between problem gambling and suicide. Click Here for the PowerPoint. Recorded on March 16, 2023.

The Power of Media: Changing the Narrative on Substance Use
This forum, recorded on February 10th, featured presentations and a moderated panel discussion on the effects of stigma. Click Here for Dr. Stephen Holt's PowerPoint. Click Here for Rachael Cooper's presentation. Click Here to download Kristi Olds' presentation What Can Media Professionals Do? A Media and Stigma Forum resource list is available here

#influencer: How Social Media is Shaping Gen Z
Cristal DePietro and Catherine Barden from Culture of Change shared timely information about social media trends, the impact of social media on youth mental health, and how youth access alcohol and drugs via social media.  Tips for parents and caregivers on how to talk to young people about social media, and using screen time limits rounded out the presentation.Click here to download the summary sheet. Click here to view CT Clearinghouse resources on social media. Recorded on January 19, 2023.

Impact of Diet on Mental, Physical and Emotional Health
Jessica Masterson, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at Wheeler's Health & Wellness Centers, spoke to participants about the link between healthy eating and physical and mental health. She discussed the difference between acute and chronic inflammation, and provided strategies to mitigate chronic inflammation. Her presentation included helpful information about: food choices, hunger and mood;  micro and macro nutrients; the GI microbiome & more.
Click here to download the presentation. Check out Wheeler's Nutrition Services. Recorded on December 15, 2022.

Feeling Alone: The Impact Mental Health and Substance Abuse has on the LGBTQ+ Community
Casey Lucarelli, LCSW, provided an informative presentation about the challenges and minority stress experienced within the LGBTQ+ community, which can lead to substance misuse and mental health disorders. Casey shared information about shame and how it affects identity and leads to isolation, and explained the benefits of affirming care.
Click here to download the presentation. Recorded on November 10, 2022.

De-escalation Strategies: Best Practices to Help Calm the Storm
Dr. Karyn Harvey, Director of Training and Program Development at The Park Avenue Group, LLC, focused on using a trauma-sensitive approach when working with people with disabilities who are experiencing a crisis. 
Recorded on November 4, 2022.

Exploring Risk and Protective Factors in the Mental Health of Active Service Members and their Families
Shayona Montemurro covered mental health topics as they pertain to active duty military families, specifically, the:
Military Child, Military Spouse & Military Service member. Click here to download the presentation. Recorded on September 15, 2022.

Trends and Characteristics of Unintentional Drug Overdose Deaths in Connecticut
Shobha Thangada, Epidemiologist at Connecticut's Department of Public Health, provided compelling data and narrative about unintentional overdose deaths in Connecticut. This included the impact of the pandemic on overdose deaths, substances involved in overdose data, demographic data (including the rise of overdose deaths in the Black and Latino populations), geographic information, information about missed opportunities, and the need for continued prevention efforts. Recorded on August 18, 2022. Click Here to download the presentation.

Homelessness in Connecticut: Who Are the Homeless and How Can We Help?
Maureen Pasko, an LCSW at the VA in West Haven, spoke about the homeless, the Housing First model, and resources to assist homeless veterans.
Recorded on June 23, 2022. Click here to download the presentation. 

Why Dads?
Doug Edwards, founder and director of Real Dads Forever, discussed why Connecticut has a Fatherhood Initiative, why Dads matter to Moms, children, and our communities, and why we need to partner with dads. Recorded on June 16, 2022. Click here to download the presentation.

The Health of Teens in Connecticut: Results from the CT School Health Survey
Celeste Jorge, epidemiologist, BRFSS & YRBSS Coordinator coordinator at DPH, provided a compelling picture of the health of teens in Connecticut with data from the CT School Health Survey. With a focus on youth risk behaviors in CT teens, participants also learned about preventive or protective behaviors and factors that show reduced risk behavior. Recorded on May 13, 2022
Click Here to download the presentation.

Understanding Human Trafficking
Linda Blozie, Director of Training and Prevention at the Training Institute of the Connecticut Coalition to Prevent Domestic Violence provided this presentation to participants on April 14th 2022. She discussed the impact of trafficking on victims, domestic minor sex trafficking, and provided resources for those in need of help. Click Here to download the presentation slides

Legalized Sports Betting in Connecticut: Potential Impacts
Presenters Kaitlin Brown, Kelly Leppard and Fred Fetta reviewed risk and protective factors and identified warning signs for gambling related problems; discussed the potential impacts of sports betting, its advertising, and gambling expansion on the community; and helped participants understand prevention strategies that can be implemented to encourage responsible gambling in Connecticut. Click here to view a list of resources available at Connecticut Clearinghouse.

The Power of the Body and The Mind on Heart Health in the Black Community
Presenters Tina Loarte-Rodriguez, Novlette Paige and Ericka Gardener provided an overview of the cardiovascular system; reviewed facts and statistics on heart health in the Black Community; reviewed the impact of the mind and mental health on the heart; and identified preventative measures for improving heart health. Click Here to download the presentation slides

Emerging Drug Trend: Counterfeit Pills
Presenters Anna Gasinski and Robert Lawlor Jr. defined the goals of the Overdose Response Strategy Initiative, described the current prevalence and dangers of counterfeit pills in Connecticut, and showcased Connecticut's newest prevention campaign "You Think You Know." Recorded on January 27, 2022.
Click Here to download the presentation slides.

The Whole Person: Identifying Self-Care and Coping Strategies in a Pandemic
Haben Abraham defined the dimensions of self-care, led participants through breathing and visualization exercises, spoke about community as self-care, and shared helpful resources.
Download a list of CT Clearinghouse resources on self-care: www.ctclearinghouse.org/Customer-Content/www/files/PDFs/Resources_on_Self-Care.pdf

Vaping and E-Cigarettes: Packaging Nicotine for a New Generation
Tricia Dahl helped participants learn about the most recent rates of vaping amongst teens; understand why teens are vaping; and learn what we need to do to help teens quit vaping and what is available already. Recorded on November 18, 2021.

The T in LGBTQ: Understanding Gender Diversity
Sarah A. Gilbert helped participants distinguish between gender and sex assigned at birth; conceptualize gender and expressions of it as existing on a broad spectrum rather than a binary. She also provided insight into the connections between lack of awareness, acceptance of gender diversity on mental health and substance use disorders within the trans/gender expansive community. Finally, Sarah provided action steps to be respectful and inclusive of gender diversity in professional and personal environments. Recorded on November 11, 2021.

Eating Disorders, Weight Stigma, and COVID
Janet Lydecker, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University, spoke about eating disorders, stigma and bullying around weight gain, how COVID affected those with eating disorders, and Yale's Teen Power Program. Recorded on October 14, 2021.

Music, Movement, and Mental Health...Musica, Movimiento, y Salud Mental
Tina Loarte-Rodriguez MSN, RN, CIC, CPPS, CPHRM Vice President of Nursing, Wheeler Clinic discusses the history of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the history and genres of Hispanic music and dance, explains the benefits of music and movement on health and teaches the basic steps of Merengue and Bachata. Recorded October 7, 2021

Understanding Differences Through a New Lens
This presentation with Armando Jimenez, Head of School at Covenant Preparatory, helped viewers understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and our roles in making changes.
Recorded on September 16, 2021.

The Evolution of Cannabis Policy and Where Prevention Fits In
Scott Gagnon, Director of the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center, provided information about the stages of cannabis legalization laws; the impact of policies on prevention; and how to approach prevention in the era of commercialized cannabis. Recorded on September 9, 2021

Supporting Anxious Children and Their Families
Rebecca Etkin, Ph.D., from Yale's Child Study Center, Anxiety and Mood Disorders Program, presents and overview of childhood anxiety disorders, including risk factors, prevalence, and outcomes; discusses a novel evidence-based treatment approach for childhood anxiety disorders; and taught specific strategies for supporting children and their families during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, with an emphasis on the return to school. Recorded on August 12, 2021

Do Ask: Providing Affirming Care for the LGBTQIA+ Community
Wheeler's Brittany Diorio helped define inclusive & affirming language; identified appropriate use of inclusive language across settings; defined inclusive and affirming spaces; identified ways to create affirming and inclusive spaces; and helped participants understand the importance of equitable access to care & facilities. Recorded on June 17, 2021. 

CT Drug Trends: Bridging the Gap Between Public Health and Public Safety
Anna Gasinski and Robert Lawlor Jr. from New England HIDTA/ORS provided an informative presentation about drug trends in Connecticut, and the public health strategies in use to help prevent overdoses and overdose deaths. Recorded on May 13, 2021.

Understanding the Impact of the Pandemic on Alcohol Use
Laurie McBreen, LPC, provided information on reasons why people drink alcohol; physical & mental effects of alcohol use; the impact of the pandemic on alcohol use; and alternative and holistic models of treatment. Recorded on April 15, 2021.

A Gut Feeling: The Relationship Between Colon Health and Mental Health
Tina Loarte Rodriguez, Vice President of Nursing, Family Health & Wellness Centers at Wheeler, and Jessica Masterson, Lead Dietitian, Family Health & Wellness Centers at Wheeler, provided information on colon health, risks for colorectal cancer, the importance of screenings, maintaining a healthy microbiome, and how mental health influences our food choices. Recorded on March 18, 2021.

Role of Prevention: Youth Gambling and Gaming
Kelly Leppard from Problem Gambling Services at DMHAS, and Kaitlin Brown from CCPG, provided this presentation on youth gambling and gaming. Recorded on March 11, 2021.

Understanding the Impact of and Supporting Young Children Exposed to Trauma
This presentation from November 12, 2020, featured Melissa Mendez, Wheeler Clinic's Director of Early Childhood Programs. She provided information about: different types of trauma and toxic stress that impacts child development; how young children process and understand trauma in the context of their experiences, and; approaches that can be used with children to help mitigate the impact of trauma and toxic stress on child social and emotional health.

Intimate Partner Violence COVID 19 Telecounseling Resources
Linda Blozie and Ashley Starr-Frechette from the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) offered a brief synopsis of intimate partner violence. The spoke about how COVID-19 is impacting families where violence exists in the home, and provided resources for assistance. From October 15, 2020.

Mental Health and Racial Trauma Within the Black Community in Connecticut
Presenters Kelvin Young, Yanique Grant and Janelle Posey Green provided information to help participants gain an understanding of racial trauma and how it affects Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) mental health and wellbeing. From August 20, 2020.